(Source: OM Asset Management plc) OMAM - 2015.9.30 - Press Release / Ex 99.1 Contact: Brett Perryman ir@omam.com (617) 369-7300 OMAM Reports Financial and Operating Results for the Third Quarter Ended September 30, 2015 Economic net income of $37.9 million ($0.31 per share) for the quarter, up 0.8% compared to the 2014 period Year to date economic net income of $113.2 million ($0.94 per share) excluding extraordinary performance fee, and $124.6 million ($1.03 per share) including extraordinary performance fee, up 8.5% and 19.5% respectively, compared to the 2014 period U.S. GAAP earnings of $35.0 million ($0.29 per share) for the quarter and $118.6 million ($0.98 per share) for the year...